32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust is an independent, non-profit organization, governed by a Board of Directors and supported by strategic advisors.

“[In Uganda] there is cosmetic prosperity, but when you look closer there is no foundation, no building blocks or infrastructure for the arts to grow.
– Eria “Sane” Nsubuga, Artist in Residence 2013

In response we are building the first non-profit contemporary art centre in Kampala. With 6 artists’ studios, a well-resourced learning centre and library, a purpose-built gallery, accommodation, hidden gardens, a cafe and shops – the new 32° East will be a hub to inspire future generations of artists and creators. We have built 4 studios and our library so far, support Phase 2 and help us complete our vision! You can make a monthly contribution or one time donation by clicking the Donate button below



Where we are today

A space to create

Through its expanded resources more regular programmes and increased opportunities for professional development, 32 East will provdie cutting edge resources and fertile conditions for artists to make high quality and rigorous work.

A space to connect

We know that some of the greatest creations come out of collaboration. As the only art space in Kampala dedicated to fostering community, our new building will feature meeting rooms and creative spaces ideally suited for co-working, sharing and peer learnng between artists

A space to share

New gallery space will highlight non-commerical, more experimental art, supporting emerging curators & artists to find their voice and an audience

A space to grow

Sustainability is at the heart of the project, both the environment and for our organisation


We have established the Friends of 32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust fund at the King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS). Because KBFUS is a public charity, within the meaning of Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the IRC, donors may claim the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for their contributions.

If you wish to support us, here is how to proceed:

    • Gifts by credit card:https://secure.givelively.org/donate/king-baudouin-foundation-united-states/32-degrees-east 
  • Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Contact info@kbfus.org or (212) 713-7660.

Other Ways To Give


Please make cheques payable to ’32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust LTD’ and contact us for pick up or mail to PO Box 71758, Plot 212 Sonko Close, Kabalagala, Kampala, Uganda

Standing Order

To make a donation by standing order find 32° East Banking Details here or please contact Teesa Bahana | teesa@ugandanartstrust.org | +256 752 092 017 for more details

Mobile Money

MTN MOMO : 168958
Airtel Merchant Code: 6183820
